Tanis is one of our head bakers and our number ones sales person. He enjoys meeting new people when he is out on the road selling our dog biscuits and telling the story about BCDB. He is a volunteer youth leader at his church, advisory board member for Camp Sunshine and a volunteer for Association for the Blind and Visually Impaired. He spends his work week at Ready for Life and BCDB. He also has his own podcast on instagram, tanis_h_20. He loves listening to books, snow skiing, University of Michigan and the Lions football teams!
Gavin is the other Head Baker at Beer City Dog Biscuits. He is a leader in the kitchen with great skills in stuffing biscuit molds with speed and precision. He has become the “quality control officer” for every biscuit before it goes into the oven. He has learned all the tasks at BCDB and can support other Brew Bakers if they need assistance doing a particular job. When Gavin isn’t at Beer City Dog Biscuits he works at the Gordon Food Service store 2 days a week. In his free time he enjoys swimming, reading and playing on the computer. But he is the happiest when he is spending time with his family.
Jose is a master at making dog biscuit dough! You’ll find him precisely measuring ingredients and mixing dough so that it can be passed on to other Brew Bakers. He sets a conscientious example for others by ensuring no task goes unfinished.
Liz’s favorite task at BCDB is making the dog biscuit dough. It takes a lot of skill to mix the batter with spent grains and get it to the perfect consistency to put it in the molds. Liz is a rockstar at it! Liz is a cheerful and proactive team player who is always eager to contribute.
Marcus is a natural mentor whose hard work and sincere dedication to BCDB are truly commendable. He enjoys helping in all areas of the biscuit making process and takes ownership of his tasks, while also mentoring other Brew Bakers along the way.
Though quiet and reserved, Mel is a great observer and takes initiative to get any job done. Her impressive initiative and multitasking skills immediately caught our attention. She became our first employed Brew Baker in the fall of 2021!